Products (345)

Abstract Blooms - Needlepoint Pillow 17x21


Abstract Fruits - 18" x 24" needlepoint pillow


Afshar - 16" x 20"


Airedale 16 x 20 Mixed-Stitch Pillow


America - 16" x 20"


America America - Needlepoint Pillow 21x23


American Yorkshire Pig - 16 x 20 - needlepoint pillow


Auburn Tigers - Needlepoint Pillow 10x12


Auburn Tigers II - Needlepoint Pillow 10x12


Autumn 12" x 21 needlepoint pillow


Autumn Delight - 12" x 22" needlepoint pillow


Baby Sheep 16" x 20" Needlepoint PIllow


Balls and Clubs - 16 x 18" needlepoint pillow


Bass 16 x 28 Needlepoint Pillow


Beach House - 16" x 20"


Beagle - 14 x 16" needlepoint pillow


Beast on Red - 18" x 26" needlepoint pillow


Beautifully Pink - 16 x 20" Aubusson pillow


Berkshire Pig - 16 x 20 - needlepoint pillow


Billy Goat 16" x 20" Needlepoint PIllow


Birddog - 14 x 18" needlepoint pillow


Birds and Gold - 14 x 18" needlepoint pillow


Birds and Magnolia - 18" x 22" needlepoint pillow


Black Dog on Grass - 14 x 18" needlepoint pillow


Black Lab 16 x 20 Mixed-Stitch Pillow


Black Spot Butterfly - 14 x 16" needlepoint pillow


Blue and Pinks - 12" x 14" needlepoint pillow
