Products (351)

Simple II - Needlepoint Pillow 17x17


Simple Leaf Pattern - Needlepoint Pillow 17x21


Simple Pattern- Needlepoint Pillow 17x25


Sitting Dog - Needlepoint Pillow 12x16


Six Pink Accents - 16 x 26" needlepoint pillow


Skates/Sled 16" x 20" Hooked Wool Pillow


Slightly Pink and Gold - 14 x 36" Aubusson pillow


Smokey - Needlepoint Pillow 8x10


Snapper needlepoint pillow Licensed by Colonial Williamsburg


Spaniel - 11 x 13" needlepoint pillow


Springers 16" x 20" Handmade Needlepoint Pillow


Study in Cream - 16 x 24" Aubusson pillow


Study in Green Stripes - 18" x 22" needlepoint pillow


Study in Leaves - 14" x 36" Aubusson pillow


Study in Olive Browns - 16 x 26" needlepoint pillow


Study in Pink - 19 x 23" needlepoint pillow


Study of Four Beast - 14 x 36" Aubusson pillow


Study of Pinks and Blues - 14 x 36" Aubusson pillow


Subdued Elegance - 18" x 22" needlepoint pillow


Subdued Elegance - 27" x 40" Aubusson pillow


Swimming Fish Hooked Wool Pillow 16' x 20"


Tar Hills - Needlepoint Pillow 10x12


Terrier 16 x 20 needlepoint pillow


The Anceint World - 16 x 24" Aubusson pillow


The Elephants - Needlepoint Pillow 10x12


The Pursuit - 18" x 22" needlepoint pillow
