Fruit Vase in Gold - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Giant Blooms I - 17" x 21" Aubusson Pillow


Giant Blooms II - 17" x 21" Aubusson Pillow


Golden Delight - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Golden Peacock Facing Left - 24 x 24" Aubusson pillow


Golden Pinks - 22x22" Aubusson pillow


Goose Cries Out - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Green and Gold - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Horse Facing Right - 20" x 20" Aubusson pillow


Hot Pink Accents - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Hot Pinks - 16 x 20" Aubusson pillow


HY4- 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow (This pillow has a lighter color tan, than its image)


Kissing Angels - 27" x 40" Aubusson pillow


Luxury in Green - 27" x 40" Aubusson pillow


Male and Female Figures on Red - 16 x 24" Aubusson pillow


Mallard Duck - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Man Sculptured - 20" x 20" Aubusson pillow


Maroon Bolster - 7" x 21" Aubusson pillow


Mighty Elk - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Mixed Color Delight - 21" x 21" Hand Embroidered pillow


Nautilus Shell in Green - 20" x 20" Aubusson pillow


Nautilus Shell in Teal - 20" x 20" Aubusson pillow


OAT02-20" X 20" Aubusson pillow


Parrot and Fruit - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Parrot Facing Right - 16 x 16" Aubusson pillow


Pink Accented Splendor - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Pink and Blue Accented Green - 14 x 36" Aubusson pillow
