Bouquet on Blue - 18" x 22" needlepoint pillow


Bouquet with Orange - 14 x 18" needlepoint pillow


Brightly Black - 18" x 28" needlepoint pillow


Brown on Blue - 18" x 18" needlepoint pillow


Brown Pattern - Needlepoint Pillow 14x18


Browns and Cream - 12" x 24" Aubusson pillow


Bunch of Chillies - 14 x 14" needlepoint pillow


Busy Floral - Needlepoint Pillow 18x18


Butterflies & Blooms II - Needlepoint Pillow 18x18


Butterflies Pure Silk Embroidered - 20" x 20"


Cabbage on Brown - 12" x 12" needlepoint pillow


Central Pink Bloom with Leaf Swirls - 14 x 36" Aubusson pillow


Cherry Blossoms 16 x 20 Needlepoint Pillow


Cherry Blossoms III -16 x 20 Needlepoint Pillow


Chicken and Flowers - 16 x 16" needlepoint pillow


Chili Peppers on Green - 12" x 12" needlepoint pillow


China Rose 18" x 18 needlepoint pillow


Christmas Dog - Needlepoint Pillow 16x16


Circle of Gold on Red - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Circle of Roses Beige & Gold Embroidered - 18" x 18"


Circle of Roses Beige & Orange Embroidered - 18" x 18"


Circle Purple Iris - 22" needlepoint pillow


Cladiums and Roses - 22" x 22" needlepoint pillow


Close Up Beauty - 16 by 18" needlepoint pillow


Corn on the Cob - 14 x 14" needlepoint pillow


Crisp Blue and Pinks - 20" x 20" needlepoint pillow


Crisp Orchids on White - 12" x 22" needlepoint pillow
