Geometric and other patterns on Aubusson Pillows.

Geometric Aubusson (30)

Pinks and Browns - 20" x 20" needlepoint pillow


Eagle and Shield 16" x 20" Needlepoint Pillow


Whie Flowers on Brown - 20x 20" needlepoint pillow


Gold Fans n- 18" x 26" needlepoint pillow


Guitar - 18" x 20"


HY4- 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow (This pillow has a lighter color tan, than its image)


CW-ZM39 - 20" x 20"


The Anceint World - 16 x 24" Aubusson pillow


Flower Crown - 14 x 14" needlepoint pillow


Tan on Brown Chains- Needlepoint Pillow 19x19


Cream on Dark Taupe Pattern - Needlepoint Pillow 19x19


Dark Pattern & Cream - Needlepoint Pillow 19x19


Simple Pattern- Needlepoint Pillow 17x25


Square Diagonals - 16 x 16" needlepoint pillow


Pattern and Pheasant - 20" x 24" needlepoint pillow


Blue Delight - 24 x 24" needlepoint pillow


Beast on Red - 18" x 26" needlepoint pillow


Beast on Red - 20" x 20" needlepoint pillow


Gold Fans - 20x 20" needlepoint pillow


Music Collage - 18" x 20"


Drum - 18" x 20"


Ikat Cocoa 18" x 18 Hooked Wool Pillow


Cherubims and Pink - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


CW-DL89A - 22" x 22"


CW-ZM45 - 22" x 22"
