Products (319)

Blue Butterfly - 14 x 16" needlepoint pillow


Blue Framed Chicken Facing Left and Eggs - 21 x 21" needlepoint pillow


Blue Framed Chicken Facing Right and Eggs - 21 x 21" needlepoint pillow


Blue Rider - 17" x 17" needlepoint pillow


Blue Rooster Facing Left - 20" x 20" Aubusson pillow


Blue Rooster Facing Right- 20 by 20" Aubusson Pillow


Boomer 18" x 18 Needlepoint Pillow


Brown and Green Butterfly - 21 x 21" needlepoint pillow


Brown Cat Blue Checks - 15" x 15" needlepoint pillow


Brown Cat Red Checks - 15" x 15" needlepoint pillow


Brown Dog - Needlepoint Pillow 14x14


Brown Dog Portrait - Needlepoint Pillow 10x10


Brown Dog Portrait - Needlepoint Pillow 10x10


Brown Monkey in Tree - 12" x 12" needlepoint pillow


Brown Rooster - 14 x 14" needlepoint pillow


Brown Swallowtail - Needlepoint Pillow 21x21


Bull Frog 16 x 20 needlepoint pillow


Bullseyes - 16 x 16" needlepoint pillow


Butterflies & Blooms - Needlepoint Pillow 18x18


Butterflies & Caterpillar - Needlepoint Pillow 18x18


Butterfly, Lacewing, and Grasshopper - 12" x 22" needlepoint pillow


Cat and Chicken - 16 x 16" needlepoint pillow


CHAMP 18"x18" needlepoint pillow


Charolais - 16" x 20"


Cheeta Kitten - Needlepoint Pillow 10x12


Cheetah in House - 20" x 20" needlepoint pillow


Chicken and Red - 20" x 20" needlepoint pillow
