Products (313)

Fancy Rabbit - 14 x 14" needlepoint pillow


Five Buds and Blue - 22" x 22" needlepoint pillow


Five Flags(1) - 16" x 18"


Five Flags(2) - 10" x 12"


Flag House - 14" x 14"


Fleur-de-lis and Hot Pink - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Flower Vase on Green - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Flowers in Taupe - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Four Fish and Coral - 20" x 20" Aubusson pillow


Four Red Buds Design - 20" x 20" needlepoint pillow


Framed Rooster - 19 x 19" needlepoint pillow


Fruit Bowl Chair Cushion - 18" x 20"


Fruit Vase in Gold - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


German Shepherd - 14 x 18" needlepoint pillow


Giant Blooms I - 17" x 21" Aubusson Pillow


Giant Blooms II - 17" x 21" Aubusson Pillow


Goblet and Saucer - 12" x 16"


Golden Delight - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Golden Pinks - 22x22" Aubusson pillow


Grapes on Blue - 20" x 24" needlepoint pillow


Green Delight - 18" x 18" needlepoint pillow


Greenery 16'' x 20'' Mixed-Stitch Pillow


Greyhound - 14 x 18" needlepoint pillow


Hand Hooked 16" Chair Pad 7302


Hand Hooked 16" Chair Pad 7303


HKHHP0432C - Needlepoint Pillow 11x11
