Products (267)

Caddis 16 x 16 needlepoint pillow


Cake - Needlepoint Pillow 15x19


Candy Cane 16"x16" Needlepoint Pillow


Canned Spirits - Needlepoint Pillow 12x12


Canoe on Lake 16 x 20 Hooked Petit Point Pillow


Cat and Chicken - 16 x 16" needlepoint pillow


Chardonnay - 13" x 19" needlepoint pillow


Chardonnay - Needlepoint Pillow 9x19


Cheese Cake - Needlepoint Pillow 15x19


Cherub - Needlepoint Pillow 14x14


Cherubims and Pink - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Chief 16"x 20" Needlepoint Pillow


Child and St. Bernard - 18" x 18" needlepoint pillow


Children and Snowman - 20" x 20" Aubusson pillow


Christmas Black Lab 16" x 16" Needlepoint Pillow


Christmas Dog - Needlepoint Pillow 16x16


Circle of Gold on Red - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Cork Remover - Needlepoint Pillow 12x12


Cork Screw - Needlepoint Pillow 14x14


Corydon - 13" x 19" needlepoint pillow


Count - Needlepoint Pillow 10x12


Creek Fly 12" x 12 Mixed-Stitch Pillow


Crimson Tide - Needlepoint Pillow 10x12


Crossed Swords - 16 x 24 - " Aubusson pillow


Cup on Yellow - 20" x 20" needlepoint pillow


Cupid and Lion - 20" x 20" Aubusson pillow


CW-DL121L-BW - 20" x 20"
