Collection of Life Scenes designs on Needlepoint and Aubusson Pillows.

Life Scenes Needlepoint & Aubusson Pillows (213)

Pink Flowers in Vase - 18" x 18" needlepoint pillow


Flag 12" x 21" Needlepoint Pillow


Candy Cane 16"x16" Needlepoint Pillow


Blue Bouquet II - Needlepoint Pillow 16"x16"


First Kiss - 22" x 22"


Red Pansies in Vase - 19 x 19" needlepoint pillow


Garden of Eden 16" x 20" Needlepoint Pillow


Eagle and Shield 16" x 20" Needlepoint Pillow


Hackle Fly 12" x 12 Mixed-Stitch needlepoint pillow


Duke University - Needlepoint Pillow 12x10


Red Rider - 17" x 17" needlepoint pillow


Blue Rider - 17" x 17" needlepoint pillow


HKHHP6122T - Needlepoint Pillow 20x20


CW-DZx16A - 22" x 22"


Red Pagoda 18" x 18" Needlepoint Pillow


Diagonal Flowers 16 x 20 needlepoint pillow


Fly 12" x 12 Mixed-Stitch needlepoint pillow


Longhorn 16" x 20" Hand Hooked Pillow


The Gathering - 18" x 22" needlepoint pillow


Cork Screw - Needlepoint Pillow 14x14


Fishes and Lures - 16 by 18" needlepoint pillow


Old Golf Master - 18" x 20" needlepoint pillow


HKHHP6808C - Needlepoint Pillow 15x15


Two Dogs Resting - 22" x 22" Aubusson pillow


Shotguns & Shells 16 x 16 Hooked Pillow


Queen of Spades 12" x 12 Petit Point Pillow
